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new piano

We’re Moving!

Chris and I are expanding our teaching practice and renting a three office suite at 4620 Indianola Avenue.  We will be moving all of our teaching hours from our Maize Road home to the new studio location starting September 3, 2013.  The new studio is less than a five minute drive from our house on […]


Techniques of Impressionism Concert

Just a few weeks ago, a few of the piano students of Annalisa Ventola presented a summer concert/lecture on the techniques of Impressionism at Graves Piano and Organ on Karl Road (Columbus, Ohio). Throughout the concert, students and concert attendees learned about such turn of the century compositional techniques as writing with modes, displaced harmonies, […]

Jordan Dodson

Jordan Dodson featured on Performance Today

One of Christopher Whitney’s former guitar students, Jordan Dodson, has been featured on America Public Media’s Performance Today, a program that features live concerts by famous artists in concert halls around the globe and from the American Public Media studios as well as interviews, news and features. We’re very proud of Jordan and all he’s accomplished […]

A Genesis Found

Here are the studio, we have two recording areas suitable for recording demos and small projects. A couple years ago, Christopher Whitney and his friend Brett Robinson were asked to compose and record a score for the independent film A Genesis Found. The entire film has been uploaded to YouTube and you can now watch […]

Dance Forms

Preparations are underway for the next piano recital on August 4th. I decided that the theme would be dance music this year, inspired by an amazing box of sheet music that a friend of mine rescued from the OSU dance department. I suddenly found myself in possession of a lot of rare and wonderful contemporary […]

Recital Themes

It’s time to start thinking about our summer piano recital and I could use your help in coming up with a new theme.  In previous years we’ve done: Program Music – This recital was comprised of music that was composed to paint a image or a scene.  The pieces had descriptive titles and sometimes ‘program’ […]