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piano studio 4

Grand Opening Photos

Over the weekend, we celebrated a grand (re)opening of our studios and invited local illustrator Kasandra Murray to exhibit a collection of her art prints, which are available for sale in our upstairs art space through the holidays. The entire neighborhood was invited to join us for open-house style afternoon of food and drink, live music, and […]

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The Upstairs Art Space

We recently got the green light to continue our studio gallery space at our relocated music teaching studio in the heart of Clintonville.  Previously called the “Studio Lounge Gallery”, our new gallery space is not so much a lounge as it is a corridor that we share with our neighbors – Boxland Media and the […]


Don’t Put Music on the Back Burner!

It’s back to school time! New clothes, new books, new classes – lots of new assignments and maybe new teachers and new friends too – football, track, theater, “In The Know” team, science club… With a new workload and endless possibilities it might seem impossible to find the time for guitar or piano lessons, let alone the time […]

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Adventures in Soundproofing

Well, we’ve moved into our new music teaching studios in Clintonville and the place is a gigantic echo chamber. Our old studio had wall-to-wall carpet, dry wall covered with thin wood paneling and a drop ceiling packed with insulation. It was like playing music inside a giant marshmallow. The new place, built in 1938, has plaster ceiling, plaster […]

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We’ve Moved!

We’ve moved to High Street! Guitar and piano lessons are now being offered in our relocated studios above the Pizza Hut at Dunedin and High. The building is currently undergoing some major renovations, so we’re saving the interior shots for after we’ve unpacked, but here’s a few exterior shots of our new location:

coldwar map

WVMS Music of the Cold War Concert

The piano and guitar students of the Whitney and Ventola Music Studios in Clintonville have planned a very special Cold War-themed concert of music from the Western and Eastern Blocs circa 1945 – 1990. A concert program Soviet composers, Western composers, rock and roll, superhero and spy themes will give attendees an aural portrait of the […]

Gift Certificates Available

Is Santa bringing your loved one a keyboard, piano, or guitar this Christmas?  How about supplementing that instrument purchase with the gift of private musical instruction?  We have gift certificates available at the studio this Christmas.  You can purchase anywhere from 1 to 12 lessons at $20 per session. General business hours at the studio […]